
Do we ever connect to Beauty?


I have realized in astonishment in the past few years that we are always so programmed through different layers to look down and to numb ourselves constantly with robotic, monotonous activities that we forgot to connect with the Beauty which nurtures and inspires our whole being.

What is connecting with Beauty? There is nothing simpler.

See, listen to, breath in Beauty!

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Look amazed at the wonders of nature and the sun. Find wonders in another person’s soul, in a friend’s gentle eye. Search randomly photos about beautiful interesting, breathtaking things on google. Listen to such elevating tunes that electrify your whole body. Paint a mandala of significance.

Immerse yourself in activities where you find different ways to connect with the Beauty of the world.


When you connect to Beauty, you connect to yourself.
When you connect to Beauty, you connect to Love.
Surround yourself with it… forever!


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